19.12.2013 – New Homepage

The new Waldgeflüster Homepage is online. Some things are still missing, but most of the functions are working already. The best part is probably the brandnew Waldgeflüster Store, where you can easyly purchase all the CDs, Shirts and so on that are still available with me.
Also new is the Player you find on the right side of the page, soon there will also be samples available from the new record.You will find all lyrics at the discography, for „Meine Fesseln“ there also will be the english translation to the lyrics available soon.
You will also find the nearest Gigs at the right side of every page. A click on „Show all“ will -suprise – show all upcoming gigs, which you can also find under the live section.
The sections Media and Gallery will be filled bit by bit as new content will be created.
So, I hope you enjoy this new page. A big thank you goes out to Mariana for creating this and not getting mad by my exclusive wishes.


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